Saturday, 15 March 2014

Plant Life

Pressing Matters, a series of 14 mixed media postcard works continues at the Gladstone until April 27th, in Hard Twist: This is Personal.

 Plant Life, Pressing Matters #13, 2014. Valerie Knapp©  Hand embroidery, DMC, pressed freesia and crown vetch, found eyes on Japanese hagaki.

 The End, Pressing Matters #7, 2013. Valerie Knapp©  Embroidery, DMC,
  relief print, freesia, drawing, book clipping, on Japanese hagaki.


  1. I really must see this while the show is still up. Your postcards so intrigued me that I dreamed about them last night. Powerful stuff! Thanks for intriguing and inspiring me.

  2. That's curious, eliciting a dream. Wow, thanks for your response Karen! Your taking up a daily drawing practice is inspiring. The show is varied and exuberant, worth seeing if you're in town.
